§ 184-88. Additional requirements for preliminary major site plans.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the requirements indicated in §§ 184-82 and 184-87, the following information shall be submitted for all preliminary major site plans:
    Location of existing and proposed buildings and their setbacks from property lines, plus the location of existing buildings and paved areas on adjacent properties.
    Floor plans for existing and proposed buildings, showing the use and layout of internal space, and front, rear and side building facade elevations, both at a scale consisting of no more than eight feet per inch.
    Location and design of existing and proposed parking, loading, access and circulation improvements, showing dimensions of same.
    Existing and proposed topographic contours of the site and adjacent areas affecting the site. Contour intervals shall be no greater than: 10% grade or less, one foot; over 10% grade, five feet; and 20%, five feet. Contour elevations shall be referenced to the New Jersey Geodetic Control Survey datum.
    If new buildings, new paved areas and/or additions to existing buildings are proposed, proposed spot grades at the corners of all buildings, appropriate pavement locations, and finished floor elevations.
    Existing and proposed utility service, including any existing septic systems, connections to sanitary sewers, wells, connections to water mains, fire hydrants, etc.
    Existing and proposed storm drainage design and improvements, including a map showing the entire drainage area, the drainage area contributing to each pertinent drainage structure and drainage tabulation sheets showing calculations for each drainage area. Provisions for rooftop drainage shall also be shown.
    Existing and proposed site illumination, including height and location of fixture, type of fixture and bulb, pole material, and manufacturer's isocandle diagram superimposed upon the site plan.
    Location and description of existing and proposed landscaping. Information for proposed landscaping shall be included common and scientific names, number of plants, planted size and root specification.
    Existing and proposed signs, including the size, materials, nature of construction, location and any illumination of same.
    The location and design of fences, walls, sidewalks and similar improvements to be proposed.
    The location and design of solid waste disposal containers and recycling containers.
    If development is proposed in phases or stages, a phasing plan.